Red Thread Marketing: A Definition

Red thread marketing is a term we use at Click Rain when developing strategies. Imagine a red thread strung between items on a bulletin board and used to show connections. In a similar fashion, we use consistent messaging and branding to ensure a steady drumbeat (or red thread) through our campaigns.

Our goal is an omnichannel approach with a consistent storyline, visuals, and audio while still tailoring details for different audiences. Red threads help develop stronger feelings of relationship between brand and customer.

When developing a red threat marketing strategy, we keep a few things in mind to ensure our campaigns are strong from concept to reporting.

A Variety of Audiences Brings A Variety of Challenges

With most businesses, there are a variety of primary and secondary audiences to keep captive. We know that an array of tactics across the digital marketing spectrum need to work together to meet each audience's needs. Those seeking information, a service provider, a hotel room to book, or directions to a brick-and-mortar store all engage with content differently.

Capturing attention can be challenging when you’re meeting consumers with different tactics. That's why we use a red thread to connect all digital efforts–building momentum with our customer relationships no matter when, where, or how many times they engage.

Speaking of engagement, let's consider how today's landscape is impacted by the various channels available to users.

Impact of Today’s Business Climate

How people interact with businesses has changed. The pandemic transformed opinions on in-person versus online. People now have more options and are likely to interact digitally with brands that have traditionally provided a more in-person experience. Meeting people where they are at and with the right message is top of mind as we work with any organization.

So with various customer touchpoints, getting the messaging right becomes critical for capturing attention.

First Dakota brand assets including a beer can design

"...a consistent foundation in creative messaging makes interactions 'stickier'..."

Consistent Messaging Is Key for Stronger Brands

When working on a holistic marketing strategy, we strive to ensure all our tactics are consistent yet impactful. One way of achieving a red thread in our digital marketing efforts is by matching calls to action (CTAs) with the content provided on the destination landing page.

For example, if you are talking about a product in your ad, you better drive consumers to the product page. You can have the greatest looking campaign in the world but if the user gets to the webpage and it does not emulate what they just engaged with, you will see users disengage and bounce. This is why a strong consumer experience via red thread marketing is critical to the success of your business. Be sure to provide consistent messaging, creative, and an appropriate follow through throughout all efforts.

While each tactic can be unique in execution with the options to personalize content, a consistent foundation in creative messaging makes interactions “stickier” because it allows for strong brand and product recognition. The goal is simple: keep your brand top of mind.

First Dakota's Dakota Thirst beer can design by Click Rain

3 Keys To Stronger Campaigns

So what have we learned about executing red thread marketing? The formula that seems to perform the strongest includes three key points that work together to deliver powerful results.

1: The right tactics

It can be tempting when planning a campaign to include all the tactics available. At Click Rain, we pair expertise and data with the client’s goals. This helps us select the right tactics at the right time for the right audiences. It’s that deep level of understanding of a client and how their consumers engage with platforms that makes the messaging resonate.

Did you know that consumers will engage 4-10 times before they convert? This is why it is important to have that red thread across all those touchpoints. Each interaction continuously builds upon each other until the consumer is finally ready to take that step towards converting.

2: Concentrated marketing

A hindrance to successful campaigns is diluted marketing, which is when tactics are handled by multiple teams. We’ve seen greater success when our clients have chosen us to strategically position their brand across digital marketing tactics. It’s simple, concentrated marketing allows for control over messaging and we're able to connect the dots to ensure tactics work together seamlessly.

3: Measured success

Delivering strategically chosen tactics in a concentrated manner is one thing, but being able to measure success is what makes our marketing smarter. We utilize data to fuel future efforts and help businesses make decisions about where they spend their time and money moving forward. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of analytics advancements is just one way we help clients track the success of a campaign.

Connect Your Efforts With A Red Thread

If your efforts are feeling disjointed, it may be worth looking at a red thread approach. Our team specializes in end-to-end digital marketing: from conception through measurement of success. Get in touch to learn how we can ensure your brand message shines bright everywhere.

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