


Intro to Optimizing Your Paid Search Campaigns with Google AI

Leveraging Google AI for your business’ online objectives is useful for successful ad performance. Explore the key features and things to keep in mind when utilizing this tool.

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Bailey Wood, Associate Director of Marketing at Click Rain, using Google Gemini at her desk.

A Beginner’s Guide to Using AI

Dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence for your business. We’ll provide you with a beginner’s guide of AI tools and their functions.

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How Long Does a Website Last

How long does a website last? It's a good question. Let's explore the technical variables, design aspects, and content questions to keep in mind as you consider a new website.

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Why Your Website's History Matters for the Future

Whether you're a seasoned digital marketer or just getting started with website analytics, understanding your site's historical data is crucial for making informed business decisions.

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A woman with long brown hair sits at a desk in a bright office, working on a computer with code displayed on the screen. A large monstera plant sits on her desk, adding a touch of greenery to the modern workspace.

Supercharge Your Development Workflow with Responsible GitHub Copilot Use

The developers at Click Rain value many of Copilot's recommendations. Nonetheless, we consistently refine our code to ensure it is efficient, safe, and user-friendly.

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Chelsea Redinger speaking on stage at Trendigital 2024.

Trendigital 2024: Where Trends Met Tactics

We can’t believe it’s been almost a month since Trendigital 2024. We strive to keep Trendigital a resourceful conference that brings some of the best marketing minds together to blend timely trends and topics with applicable best practices and takeaways. Thanks to the speakers and attendees who showed up. You made this one of our favorite events to date!

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Emma and Alex sit at desk looking at computer

Navigating New Frontiers in Email Marketing

We're excited to share insights on the emerging email requirements set by Gmail and Yahoo, ensuring you're set for success by February 2024.

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Bailey sits behind laptop

Always Innovating: Click Rain's People-Centered Approach with AI

Discover how Click Rain is integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into our marketing strategy, focusing on the intent behind this innovative approach.

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Photo of three interns sitting at computers in front of two neon signs.

Quench + SLICE 2023: The Diary of an Intern

This diary belongs to the Quench and SLICE interns of Click Rain and Lemonly. Unlike some diaries, this one isn't so private. Our respective intern crews have come together to let you know exactly what an internship entails with us from their perspectives. Read on to hear all about a summer of quenched interests.

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The front of the Click Rain Inc. building during the morning hours.

Bringing the World's Best Infographics Into Your Marketing Mix

CEO of Click Rain Inc. shares more about how Lemonly, home of the world’s best infographics, can elevate your current marketing tactics.

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